Monday, March 23, 2009

Photos from 2/3/09: The Great Wall at Badaling

Considering how breathtaking these pictures are, I'm surprised I only took a few that day, but I guess I felt like a few went a long way.

The hills around the Great Wall, as we approach from the south, taken from the car.

Another view. One thing that they don't tell you about the Great Wall is how naturally beautiful the setting is. It isn't so much the wall that's magnificent as the sweeping mountains it climbs over.

The Great Wall from the main guard house at Badaling. Note the billboard touting the Beijing Olympics.

The surrounding hills.

The wall over the hills.

It goes on and on and on...the Chinese name for the Great Wall is more apt - "changcheng", or "long wall"

First of a series of pictures I tried to take of myself in KWUR gear on the Great Wall. I don't know why I'm not smiling in any of them. Picture taking is not my forte.

Another picture of Mr. Grumpy Gus.

The Great Wall really is spectacular.

The picture I finally posted on the KWUR blog. This is shortly before I beat the piss out of the photographer, from the looks of things.

Close up of the wall over a rocky outcropping. This photo was also taken from the wall, btw, at Badaling, a section sort of doubles back on itself.

The crowds moving up and down the wall. Badaling is the most tourist friendly section because it's closest to Beijing.

The wall, seen through a guard window

The wall from ground level. As you can see, the wall itself is not that high, it's the mountains its on that give it its defensive value.

Nice full shot of the wall.

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