Monday, June 29, 2009

Photos from 2/11/09: Shanghai

Photos from my last day in Shanghai. Gee, it only took me an hour and a half to upload them all. I had assumed it was China, but Blogger's upload sucks...

The Shanghai Art Museum. Wow, this photo is so dramatic and high-school-photography-class artsy!

Interesting wood sculpture.

I do not know why there is a statue of Bach in Shanghai. But here he is.

Charmingly industrial Suzhou Creek



These are all pictures of the 50 Moganshan art complex, a converted cement factory filled with galleries

Ritzy cafe in the glass complex, full of laowai like me

See, used to be a factory. I love industrial relics. They remind me of home.

Haier has started selling some fridges in America, but somehow their logo hasn't made it over. It's the damn oddest thing I've ever seen. And it's all over China.

Grafitti and construction

Elevated track on the outskirts of Shanghai

Nice path in Lu Xun park

This is why I love Chinese parks

The weird fifties torture contraptions that every park has, and yeah, people actually do use them to work out

Somehow, the clearest picture of the Lu Xun statue I could get

Text in front of Lu Xun's tomb

Lu Xun's tomb

The madness at the People's Square station of the subway during rush hour

Glitzy Chinese street! Well, this one had a lot of prostitutes on it.

Food porn. I can't remember what exactly this is and I'm not sure I knew at the time, but I remember it being damn delicious.

Pudong skyline at night

And the Bund skyline at night

Back to Pudong

Buildings along the Bund

Except this one, this is the Bund

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Photos from 2/10/09, Hangzhou

So I've got my computer back now, and I can finish posting photos from my trip. Additionally, since I actually have a decent connection to the internet in the states, it theoretically shouldn't take forever and a day to post pictures, so I'll try to speed up the pace a bit.

The super futuristic new Shanghai South train terminal. Not shown: spaceport on other side, Cardassians

Park in Hangzhou

More park

Super sweet koi pond, chock full of fish

West Lake, from the shore

More West Lake scenery

The lovely little tourist ferry I took across West Lake

If I remember correctly, during a certain festival (thinking Mid-Autumn), they light the lanterns out in the lake

Zig-Zag bridge in center island (Three ponds mirroring the moon)

Some lovely detailed stone work

More stone work

Ponds and trees

View across one of the ponds in the central island

Promenade along the shore of West Lake

The tomb of Wu Song. Wu Song is a hero of the classic Chinese novel Water Margin, famous for killing a tiger with his bare hands

I always wonder how they determine these sorts of things...

Pagoda seen from a distance

Climbing a hill on the shores of West Lake

View of West Lake from the top of the hill

Trellises with wisteria vines

Table near the top of the hill

Hangzhou residents chilling by West Lake

The gorgeous Bai causeway

Walking along the Bai causeway

Pagoda from a distance

Canoes on West Lake

Forgot what exactly this was about, some sort of fair linked to the New Year

View of distant temple and square

The old style tourist street where the Tai Ji teahouse was

Tai Ji teahouse workers standing outside with tea, dressed in traditional Qing costume

The inside of the teahouse

Longjing tea, with snacks!

Amazing over-the-shoulder trick pour by the waiter. They are specially trained in this stuff for years.

Food porn! This time, it's Dongpo Pork, pork prepared in a clay pot full of shaoxing wine. As you can see, they literally just cut a slab out of the pig; I was counting hairs on those suckers